Comparing the film to Mean Girls is interesting because they are very similar yet very different. Besides the suicide, Mean Girls is more realistic to what happens today in high schools. Yet Heathers tackled issues in a similar way that Hollywood Shuffle did. Is it truly okay to laugh at the things in this movie? Because they actually are horrible things that everyone deals with, especially bullying and suicide and the struggle to fit in/be popular. When the very fat girl, Martha I believe, tried to kill herself because it is what the popular kids were doing, I was so mortified because it is very sad in reality to think that someone might think that way. The reading states "It’s the superficially flip manner with which it treats those subjects that really stands out. Heathers doesn’t do heartwarming messages." The film didn't do heartwarming messages, but showed the audience them in a different light, same as Hollywood Shuffle did with racism.

I think Heathers is smart and original and it is a film that I would watch again. It kept me entertained the entire time wondering what was going to happen next because it is a movie that doesn't hold back.

Well, I'm thinking of most anything by Ryan Murphy: Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story. Glee isn't half as interesting as it used to be, but AHS deals with most of these same themes in a darkly humorous manner. What's the difference, do you think?